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Displaying Ginseng Roots

Ginseng holds a lot of value and meaning for many cultures. It is very popular as a gift for family & loved ones, and has so many uses. Many people eat Ginseng roots for their health & wellness value, but with special roots it is often displayed for its beauty. Especially in Asia, old, wild and large roots are appreciated for their form & beauty, and especially the rare man shaped roots. Particular roots that are rare & valuable, or roots that have a special meaning can be displayed in a couple of of ways. I have seen some very nice examples of dry displays, and liquid displays.

Dry Roots on Display

Some dried roots are preserved in glass top cases for viewing, and sometimes are sewn to fabric on a board. This is a lovely way to display roots if they are properly handled & processed.

Liquid Displays

Liquid displays might be more popular since you can view them, and depending on the alcohol used, have a ‘ginseng wine’ for special occasions. This is usually done by cleaning fresh roots and submerging them in alcohol. There seem to be a few different methods for this, but anything from pure grain alcohol or strong wine should have enough alcohol to preserve the roots in a sterile environment. Roots that are preserved in strong wine will look fresh, even though the alcohol dehydrates the roots & replaces the water. Roots that are placed in pure alcohol will eventually create a ‘tincture’ similar to what herbalists make for medicine. With ‘fleshy’ roots especially it is important to use a very strong proof.

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