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The story behind ‘Bat Cave’ Botanicals…

First and foremost, we live in Bat Cave, North Carolina, which is way too awesome to not use as part of our business name! Our small town is named after the largest known granite ‘fissure’ cave in North America, which, not surprisingly happens to be inhabited by several species of bat, and a few other endangered species.

Second, because I love bats! Bats are amazing creatures who deserve awareness & recognition for the vital role they play in our ecosystem. OK, so maybe also a teeny bit because who doesn’t like a caped crusader fighting against evil doers.

Thirdly, bats have fascinating symbolic meaning in Chinese culture, and since much of my focus with Bat Cave Botanicals includes Traditional Chinese Herbs, it is a little extra cool. In Chinese cultural symbolism, bats are auspicious because the word for ‘bat’ (FU) in Chinese sounds the exact same as the word for luck (FU). They represent longevity & prosperity, and are often depicted in art motifs with deer & ginseng roots, which are three things we always love to see in these parts!

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